Representation of Spiritual Values in Islamic Architecture Focusing on Living Space
Subject Areas : Islamic urbanism
mohammad sharifani
mohammad marefat
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Spiritual value, architecture, Islamic architecture, Islamic resources, living space.,
Abstract :
Representation of Spiritual Values in Islamic
Architecture Focusing on Living Space
Mohammad Sharifani*
Mohammad Marefat**
Extended Abstract
The main subject: An analytical look at spiritual values and capacities in Islamic architecture with a focus on living space.
The main objective: The architecture and city of every society consists of a set of elements and activities that are created based on the concepts and values believed by that society in such a way that they can help the society in achieving its life goals. Since architecture plays a serious, vital and effective role in the Islamic style and way of life, the purpose of this article is to extract and apply spiritual concepts from Islamic sources that can be used in the direction of architectural design and cause its excellence and promote style and style. It provides life in the light of Islamic teachings.
Methods: This research, using the exploratory method and descriptive-analytical approach and using library tools, has investigated and analyzed the spiritual values effective in architectural design and the Islamic city in the society of living spaces in Iran, their extraction and manifestation in the field method.
Findings: What and how to show and manifest values and concepts such as "Remembering God", "Oneness and sharing God", "Hearfulness and humility", "Avoidance of extravagance and luxury", "Reason and thinking", "Hijab and privacy", " Modesty" and "ethical virtues" as well as "avoidance of sensual desires", "preserving and manifesting Islamic rituals" and "avoidance of promoting disbelief" in Iranian Islamic architecture are among the spiritual capacities found in Islamic sources and the findings of this research.
Conclusions: Benefiting from the semantic features and examining the capacities of Islamic thinking and their application in architectural design, such as the mention of God in the inscriptions at the entrances of mosques and houses, the central role of the mosque in Islamic urban planning, the short height of the entrances and the lowering of the interior ceiling of the building, which is a manifestation of the sense of strain, can make the architect It will be beneficial in reaching the desired and sublime design and as a result, it will provide a suitable platform for the perception of the audience and the propagation and promotion of spiritual thought through architecture.
Keywords: Spiritual value, architecture, Islamic architecture, Islamic resources, living space.
Historically, architecture is considered the first art that was able to adapt itself to Islamic concepts, and was welcomed by Muslims. The favor of Muslims towards this art caused it to include religious and religious concepts as the only Islamic art for many years. After the rise of Islam, Muslim architects tried to present art that was formed from their beliefs; Therefore, in their works, they used the spiritual capacities available in Islamic sources. By using these capacities, which included divine messages, Muslim architects tried to use their works as a medium for spiritual elevation and spiritual progress towards the divine kingdom. Its manifestations can be seen in mosques, schools, tombs, baths, forts and markets. The appearance of Islamic thoughts, beliefs and values in the bricks and corners of this architecture is another part of the manifestation of the essence of the Almighty in the life of a Muslim. The fundamental concepts and theoretical foundations of architecture derived from the Qur'an and the manifestation of the Qur'anic culture in the history of Islamic architecture have been a manifestation of the Muslim architects' understanding of the interaction between architecture and culture. This article seeks to answer the question of what is the role of spiritual values in Islamic architecture and how can they be manifested in architecture and urban planning? Therefore, architectural capacities have been examined in the light of Islamic thought. The purpose of this research is to extract and express the spiritual capacities found in religious sources and their realization and manifestation in Islamic architecture and urban planning, and since Islamic urban planning is one of the essentials of creating an Islamic life, the findings of this article are aimed at improving the architecture of the residential space. will be used.
Research method
In this article, using the exploratory method and the descriptive-analytical approach, and using library tools, the capacities and spiritual values that are effective in the design of architecture and the Islamic city in the society of living spaces in Iran, their extraction, manifestation and presentation are examined in the field method. The analysis is done.
Discussion and Conclusion
Islamic architecture derived from diverse spiritual capacities and values can help in providing a suitable context and model for the promotion and dissemination of Islamic culture. In this type of architecture, every element evokes and illuminates thought and leads people towards spirituality. Simplicity and impartiality, avoiding unnecessary complexity and attracting attention, reviving and preserving the heritage of the past, compatibility with national, local and religious culture, paying attention to inner affairs while beauty and art, balance in form and compatibility with human nature, while diversity and Dynamics, prevention of distortion, humiliation and weakening of religion through architecture, attention and non-compliance with western style, symbols and methods in urban planning, architecture, decoration and interior design are among the results of this research. By relying on his experiences, thoughts, creativity and aesthetic spirit on the one hand, and the manifestation of spirituality and sacred concepts on the other hand, by creating an original work full of spiritual concepts and themes, in a material space and structure, a Muslim architect can succeed in to guide today's confused man to his destination through architecture and urban planning; Therefore, considering the richness of religious and spiritual teachings derived from Islamic sources, it is suggested that those involved in the field of architecture and urban planning in our country should make more and more serious efforts to recognize the capacities and spiritual values and make policies in this direction in order to achieve the desired design of various places.
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** Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
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