Explain the components of urban planning education with emphasis on Islamic city indicators
Subject Areas : Characteristics of the Islamic Iranian city
alireza sabermanesh
hasan ahmadi
naser barati
1 - PhD student of Urban Planning Department, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Urban Planning Department, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Urban Planning Department, Gilan University, Iran.
Keywords: urban education, Islamic city, structural equations, LISREL model,
Abstract :
As a controversial term,Islamic city is the source of wide and continuous debates, which experienced the large changes and developments since its onset. Although, there is many doubts and disagreements on the definition and determination of the urban planning terms, such as Islamic city,it has been as an academic major for more than a century and experienced many changes, particularly under the influence of social circumstances. The connection between the students and graduates of this field with the sectors of academic world and the labor market can be achieved with identifying the components of teaching in urban planning, particularly the Islamic city, which also result in the strong influence of these components on the teaching of this field.One of the ways to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of professors and students about quantitative and qualitative debates in urban planning is the necessity of research withfocusingon the components of Islamic city teaching. Considering the position of urban planning teachingand the need to explain the indicators of the Islamic city, this research seeks to explain the teachingcomponents related to urban planning with an emphasis on the indicators of the Islamic city. The main purpose is to identify the role and place of Islamic city indicators in the context of teaching. This research is an applied and survey research based on the purpose, and data collection, respectively. It used the method of structural equation modeling, too. Using the library and documents methods besides by using the studying and reviewing the previous works, the main variables of the model and the indicators related to each one were extracted. The necessary corrections, additions and adjustments were made by helping the opinion of the experts. Then, a questionnaire was designed based on these variables and indicators. This questionnaire let us to determine the importance of each of the obtained indicators in the form of a question and through a five-point Likert scale. We confirmed the validity of this questionnaire by the relevant experts. This questionnaire was filled by the opinion of many students in the studied area. The results show that the quality, methods and teachingaidswith a path coefficient of 5.22, trainers and lecturers with a path coefficient of 3.26, the basic factors of teaching with a path coefficient of 4.19, teaching skills with a path coefficient of 5.08 and finally theteachingvalueswith a path coefficient of 4.55 and all with a probability of 99%havethe significant impacts on the indicators of the Islamic city for the urban planning students. However, the evaluation of the findings showed that the presence of the components of the Islamic city can be important to increase the knowledge of professors andthe motivation of students and to establish an effective connection with the world.
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